Chicken Head
I've been listening to this book on my 90 minute drive everyday to work and then again on the way home. Well not just one book, this is one in the long stream of books. This one just got me thinking about the term chicken head. I've used that term over and over as a funny little term, something like stop being so silly you chicken head or you are walking like a chicken head. In the book by Philip K Dick Blade Runner, originally called 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?' There is a character with slow intellect who is often refereed to as 'chickenhead'. The character J.S. Isidore is left behind while the rest of humanity leaves the ruined earth, others like him who are slow or elderly are also left. Then there are those who chose to stay. But I digress. What's interesting to me is the use of the word. It was published in a book in 1968 with a derogatory meaning and it's still used in that fashion, only toward women. In the book it was fo...